Congratulation: SNLab Published A Number of Top-Level Papers in Networking and System Areas in 2018
In year 2018, the SNLab (Systems Networking Lab) at Tongji-Yale Center of Advanced Networks and Networked Systems (TYCAN) led by Professor Y. Richard Yang has published a number of top-level papers, including four CCF A papers accepted by ACM SIGCOMM, IEEE INFOCOM (the top conferences in computer networking) and SuperComputing (the top conference in computer systems) individually. The paper “Prophet: Fast Accurate Model-based Throughput Prediction forReactive Flow in DC Networks” is accepted by IEEE INFOCOM 2018. This paper is completed by the Ph.D. student Jingxuan Zhang and collaborators from Tsinghua University and Yale University. The paper “Toward the First SDN Programming Capacity Theorem on Realizing High-Level Programs on Low-Level Datapaths” is also received by IEEE INFOCOM 2018. It is completed by the Ph.D. student Xin Wang during his visiting student period at Yale University with others from Yale University. The paper “Trident: Towards a Unified SDN Programming Framework with Automatic Updates” is accepted by ACM SIGCOMM 2018. The paper “*Fine-Grained, Multi-Domain Network Resource Abstraction as a Fundamental Primitive to Enable High-Performance, Collaborative Data Sciences*” is accepted by SuperComputing 2018. The first author of this paper is Qiao Xiang, a post-doctoral fellow of TYCAN; meanwhile, Xin Wang, Jingxuan Zhang and Yang Liu are co-authors. Also, Qiao Xiang’s another paper “*OpenSDC: A Novel, Generic Datapath for Software Defined Coalitions*” is accepted by IEEE MILCOM 2018, the top conference in the military field. In addition, the paper “DDP: Distributed Network Updates in SDN” is accepted by IEEE ICDCS 2018. The first author of this paper is Geng Li, a post-doctoral fellow of TYCAN. Yichen Qian, a Ph.D student at Tongji University, is one of the co-authors.
ACM SIGCOMM and IEEE INFOCOM are top conferences in computer networking, of which SIGCOMM is the flagship conference in this field. The quality requirements of the papers accepted by these two conferences are extremely strict. Many significant papers in computer networking are published at these two conferences. The SuperComputing (SC) conference, also known as International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, is regarded as one of the world’s top academic conferences in the field of high performance computing. The annually global TOP500 supercompuer list is released through the SC, and the major manufactures and universities related to super-calculation will be exhibited at the conference to show their latest products and research results, so the SC conference has always been a great event in the high-performance computing field. ICDCS is the top conference in the field of distributed computing; and MILCOM is the flagship conference in the military communications field.